MultiTax Commission

An intergovernmental state tax agency whose mission is to promote uniform and consistent tax policy and administration among the states, assist taxpayers in achieving compliance with existing tax laws, and advocate for state and local sovereignty in the development of tax policy.

Litigation Committee Agenda March 2017


2017 March Litigation Committee Meeting
Thursday, March 9, 2017

8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Pacific Time
All times are approximate

Springhill Suites San Diego Downtown/Bayside
900 Bayfront Court
San Diego, California 92101

To attend via telephone: (719) 325-2630, conference code 911788#

Click here for a PDF copy of this agenda

I. Welcome and Introductions (8:30 a.m.-8:40 a.m.)
Clark Snelson, Litigation Committee Chairman, Utah Attorney General’s Office.
II. Public Comment Period (8:40 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.)
III.  Deliberation and Vote on Adoption of Proposed Litigation Committee Charter (8:45 a.m.-9:00 a.m.)
Clark Snelson and Bruce Fort, Counsel, Multistate Tax Commission.
IV. Deliberation and Vote on Proposal to Create Subcommittee on Amicus Briefing
Clark Snelson and Bruce Fort, Counsel, Multistate Tax Commission.
V.  Program Activities (9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.)
Federal Tax Reform – State impacts and insights (9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.)
Shirley Sicilian, National Director for SALT Controversy, KPMG, LLP, Washington, D.C. and Sarah McGahan, Director KPMG, LLP, San Diego.
VI. Adjourn (10:30 a.m.)

Additional information on this meeting and agenda may be secured from Bruce Fort, Multistate Tax Commission, 444 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 425, Washington, D.C. 20001-1538, telephone: (505) 982-8902.

Back to the 2017 March Committee Meetings webpage.